Enzymatic Hydrolysis Reactor

Personal information


Environment Park SpA



Service Provider:

Politecnico di Torino

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Type of Collaboration:Fee paying basisFunded collaborative projectNegotiable
What "non-technical" services relevant to scale-up does your organisation offer?:Life Cycle AssessmentTechnoeconomic Assessment


Asset Information:
Enzymatic Hydrolysis Reactor
Raw Material:
Biomass - any
Process Stage:
Primary Processing
Chemical conversions, Chemical or enzymatic pre-treatment, Extraction, Hydrolysis
Technology Area:
Additional Technical Information:
The enzymatic hydrolysis reactor is a vertically cylindrical vessel (total volume of 115 lt) insulated and equipped with a thermoregulation system that ensures a very precise control of the internal temperature of the reactor. The internal temperature and pH of the reactor can be controlled by a PLC control system. Due to the fact that enzymatic or biological reactions are usually carried out at moderate temperatures, the thermoregulation system, rather than favoring the heating rate, ensures temperature control. The jacket flowing fluid is a water solution-ethylene glycol at 50%. There is a temperature control over the recirculating fluid, in which the split-range system opens the steam valve to the heater or opens the water valve to the coolant. At set temperature, both valves are closed. in respect to the maximum admissible pressure of 1.7 bar, the reactor can operate also under nitrogen or CO2 environment. In this reactor fine-tuned enzymatic cocktail, based on biomass chemical and physical composition, are used to favor biomass hydrolysis and the liberation of the molecules of interest.
Address : TO via Livorno, 6010144 IT